20/9 https://kleiderly.com/blogs/kleiderly-magazine/did-covid-19-change-the-fast-fashion-industry What I was hoping to find out: I wanted to find out how the Covid-19 pandemic has effected the fast fashion industry, whether it was for the better or the worst. I was interested to know whether the fashion industry had re-thought their ethics of clothing production and made an attempt to change their ways, or whether the lockdown has made clothing production worse whilst people were off work with less money and are wanting to buy clothes for cheap. Also I'd like to know how the pandemic has effected the makers of the clothing. What I have learnt: Covid showed us that the world we live in is not sustainable, it was a time of re-evaluation. In lockdown many shops had to close their doors, affecting the consumer's purchasing choices. In Germany, fashion companies lost up to 1.5 billion euros a day. Surprisingly, online shopping only increased by 22% since 2016 in the ...